老虎伍滋自去年4月美國公開賽膝傷嚴重仍意外驚奇封王.奪得自己生涯第14座大賽冠軍(僅次於Nicklaus的18場).且去年也再次創下連續6場PGA冠軍記錄..及生涯65場美國PGA賽冠軍(僅次於Nicklaus的73場.Sam Snead 82場)..要不是老虎伍滋一年只選擇較難且獎金較多的比賽參賽.早就以30歲前就突破這些數百年無人可及的記錄了.所以平常在一年中要看到老虎伍滋比賽的機會是非常非常難的.目前開刀後歷經十個月休息已恢復練球.且恢復慢慢練習長桿準備今年復出參加大比賽而已.
沈寂已久的日本相撲界,因為朝青龍的復出,也跟著鹹魚翻身,這場冠軍大賽,收視率高達36.7,直逼北京奧運開幕式。相撲迷:「太感動了!不愧是朝青龍,太強了! 這是一場名留日本相撲史的比賽。」
On its own merits, Tiger Woods' address to the crowd gathered for the "We Are One" concert last Sunday before the inauguration was not particularly memorable. The carefully-prepared speech delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial honored the military and the Woods' family legacy.
But the fact that he participated at all is a complete departure from the neutral political stance that Tiger has cultivated throughout his career.
As a matter of fact, Tiger's political, social and religious views have remained personal throughout his illustrious career. Tiger has kept the spotlight on his game and philanthropic endeavors.
Until last week, he showed no support for any candidate or political or social view other than his support for the military and the underprivileged. The reasons for stepping up now seem logical, even predictable considering the barriers that Tiger has broken down over the last 13 years.
Tiger will not go down in history among the likes of Charlie Sifford or Jackie Robinson, and he shouldn't. Their struggles, along with other pioneers, paved the way for all those who followed to be judged on their abilities and nothing else. But that doesn't mean that Tiger's multiracial background should be completely ignored when his legacy is discussed.
In the mid-1990s, there were still murmurs and grumblings and there is no doubt that he heard them. But with actions, rather than words, Tiger crumbled whatever was left of the ignorant walls of the dark days of athletics in this country. They crumbled beneath the weight of a greatness this generation had never seen. His charisma and unwavering commitment to excellence became an inspiration in a way that few public figures of any race have ever achieved.
Throughout Tiger's career, he has been baited by members of the media. He has fielded and avoided questions on virtually every topic with the same deftness that he shows on the greens at Augusta National. His impact on the game and sports overall is undeniable even as his popularity continues to grow.
Still, why now? Why open himself up to potential criticism? Even though there was nothing controversial about Tiger's words or even his presence there were harsh words written -- even on his own web site. But Tiger described his invitation to participate in the "We Are One" celebration as an "honor."
Certainly, he had been honored by heads of state and U.S. Presidents before last Sunday. But this wasn't about Tiger being honored. This was about Tiger honoring a very personal value system and ultimately the next president of the United States .
This single event opens the door a bit into another element of Tiger as a person. We live in an era where the political, social and religious views of our celebrities are common knowledge. Ironically those views amount to little more than hot air most of the time. In Tiger's rigid silence about most subjects political, though, there is still a real effort to change the world.
The Tiger Woods Foundation and the Tiger Woods Learning Center in Orange County , Calif. , make a difference every day in the lives of eager children. There are discussions about a second learning center in the D.C. area where Tiger hosts the AT&T National. When you look at the team Tiger has assembled to fortify his dream at the Tiger Woods Foundation it seems as if nothing is impossible. The Board of Directors reads like a who's who of business and philanthropy.
Whatever you think of Tiger's appearance last week on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial you must realize that he is making a difference. His commitment to his community extends far beyond his words, or silence.
His understanding of his responsibility reaches far past the children's lives that he affects. In this time of real crisis in America could we really ask more from our celebrities?
Now, if we can just get him back on the golf course.